Cash Prices

Cash prices offered require payment at the time of service and are available to only those patients without health insurance coverage for the service. Patients with HSA plans (high deductible PPOs) are not eligible for cash prices for covered services because an HSA is a part of a PPO insurance plan. Pap smear and pathology specimen readings are NOT included in cash pricing. You may receive a bill for these services from an outside party.

Physicals, Forms and Procedures
New Patient $98.00
Established Patient $77.00
Physical $132.00
Physical with Pap Smear $187.00
Well-woman Exam (Pap Smear) $165.00
School Physical $99.00
Work Physical 1 PAGE $88.00
Work Physical 2 PAGES $99.00
EDD Form $99.00
Breathing Treatment $126.00
Staple Removal $99.00
Suture Removal $99.00
EKG $110.00
Ear Lavage $132.00
UA $110.00
Pregnancy Test $110.00
Suture Small Laceration/Abscess $187.00
Moderate Laceration/Abscess $242.00
Large Laceration/Abscess $297.00
Vaccines, Medications and Injectables
Vaccines TOTAL
B12 $17.00
Depo $209.00
Dtap $121.00
Flu vaccine (trivalent) $110.00
Flu vaccine (quadrivalent) $121.00
Gardasil 9 $352.00
Hep A $165.00
Hep B $165.00
HIB $99.00
MMR $176.00
Pneumovax $209.00
Prevnar-13 $330.00
TB Test $90.00
TD $132.00
TDAP $126.00
Zoster Vax $374.00
Ceftriaxone 500 mg $110.00
Ceftriaxone 1 gm $110.00
Solumedrol 125 mg $110.00
Toradol 60 mg $110.00
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